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Better Life for People

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Together we
can make a Difference

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Give a little. Change a lot.

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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To be the lead Non-Profit Organization in the campaign against Alcohol, drugs and other substance abuse in Kenya and beyond and achieve vibrant communities with sober youth engaging in economic and community activities and championing the eradication of alcoholism and drug use.

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To disseminate knowledge and facts on Alcohol and Substance Abuse, their negative impact on the society and in so doing inspire, motivate, and empower individuals, institutions, leaders, and communities to address these problems.

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What We Do

Our Approach has four primary
areas of focus:


SATRA Kenya provides prevention education free of charge...

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Our prevention staff provides age-appropriate substance use disorder...

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Treatment and Advocacy

SATRA Kenya links the affected with health and rehabilitation...


Message from the Founder

Welcome to Satra Kenya, Where we seek to bring about Positive and lasting change in our communities and Families affected by alcohol and drugs problems.Our greatest hope is that we would move beyond some of the symptoms and substances, into the true substance of what it is that makes young people and adults feel disconnected and need to – Abuse alcohol and drugs to feel different and what we can do to help them. We hope you will join SATRA in Healing,empowering and uniting families.



Margaret Nyachihi


Our History

The fact that excessive alcohol consumption is a growing problem – one which, if not addressed, could seriously limit the youth’s social and economic progress, thereby plunging the country into deeper poverty. Our concern that Alcohol and Substance abuse is undercutting traditional values and threatening the existence of stable families, communities, and government institutions in Kenya, SATRA focus to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities. Our activities include mentoring, education, health awareness, and economic development.

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Our objective

Alleviate poverty and mitigate the impact of alcohol and substance abuse. Our initiatives focus on all 6 stages of breaking the addiction cycle i.e. misuse, abuse, addiction, contemplation, action and recovery stages..

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Featured Campaigns

Featured objective.

To protect the interest of the youth by promoting the intellectual and moral activities of every individual within Central Kenya.

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Meet Out Volunteers

People appreciate and never forget that helping hand especially when times are tough
Catherine Pulsifer


NGONon-Governmental Organizations




Community Organizations



Become a Volunteer?

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future in Central Kenya.

Lets come together and empower through networking, job creation opportunities, business ideas, life skills learning, and support to address the problems of youth today (Unemployment and idleness which leads to alcoholism, drug abuse, and crime)..

  • We are friendly to each other.
  • We are determined to change your life now.
  • Its an opportunity to help drug addicts.
  • Help you stop struggling to start a hustle.
  • Joining is totally free. We don't need any money from you.
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What People Say

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

Recent Stories

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

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Empower Youth Lives

Join Mabingwa Wa Central Kenya (MACENKE ) an initiative of Satra Kenya and Help Transform and Empower Central Kenya Youth community.

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Changing Lives in Central Kenya

SATRA Kenya is implementing different projects aimed at Empowering youth and local community for livelihoods...


SATRA Kenya is a Kenya Registered non-profit organization Involved in initiatives to alleviate poverty and mitigate the impact of alcohol and substance abuse in Kenya. We rely on the generous contributions and support from donors, partners, Individuals, governments, businesses and foundations.

Recent Campaigns

Satra Kenya Location

  • +254 741 607434
  • LR No. 3724/847 Amboseli Road off Gitanga Road, Lavington, Nairobi