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Empowering Lives, Keeping Families Together!

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People appreciate and never forget that helping hand especially when times are tough
Lets come together, Join hands and transform society

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Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

blog post
January 01.2021

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blog post
January 01.2021

Help the Community

The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.

blog post
January 01.2021

Changing Lives in Central Kenya

SATRA Kenya is implementing different projects aimed at Empowering youth and local community for livelihoods...


SATRA Kenya is a Kenya Registered non-profit organization Involved in initiatives to alleviate poverty and mitigate the impact of alcohol and substance abuse in Kenya. We rely on the generous contributions and support from donors, partners, Individuals, governments, businesses and foundations.

Recent Campaigns

Satra Kenya Location

  • Info@satrakenya.org
  • +254 741 607434
  • www.satrakenya.org
  • LR No. 3724/847 Amboseli Road off Gitanga Road, Lavington, Nairobi